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   時間:2005-02-18 16:46    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   書法收藏分享.Calligraphy Collection
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-02-18 16:46

... 書法收藏.Calligraphy Collection

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[color=Blue:69a3419904][b:69a3419904]... 晉 王羲之 快雪時晴帖
... 唐 孫過庭 書譜
... 唐 顏真卿 祭姪文稿
... 唐 懷素 自敘帖
... 宋 蘇軾 寒食帖
... 宋 黃庭堅 七言詩 (花氣薰人帖)
... 宋 宋徽宗 詩帖
... 元 張雨 七言律詩[/b:69a3419904][/color:69a3419904]

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* 晉 快雪時晴帖 王羲之



[b:69a3419904]晉 快雪時晴帖 [/b:69a3419904] 王羲之 冊紙本 縱 23 公分 橫 14.8 公分







Timely Clearing After Snowfall
Wang Hsi-chih (303-361), Chin dynasty
Album leaf, ink on paper, 23 x 14.8 cm

Wang Hsi-chih, style name I-sao, was a native of Lin-i in Lang-ya (Shantung province) and a member of the nobility. At the end of the Western Chin (265-316), he accompanied his father in moving south. During his career, he held various official positions. In 351, he was appointed as General of the Right Army and Administrator of K'uai-chi. Sometime between 355 and 356, he chose to resign from all positions and joined other figures of renown on scenic excursions.

Wang Hsi-chih was versed in poetry, music, and calligraphy. In the latter, he studied the works of all the masters past and present, frequently changing his models and expanding his repertoire in the process. He was especially gifted in the study of script forms. He took different brush styles, such as Ch'in dynasty (221-206 BC) seal script and Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) clerical script, and fused them into standard, running, and cursive scripts to create ideal calligraphy forms. Therefore, later generations in the T'ang dynasty (618-907) praised him as "taking the best of all styles and compiling them into one to become the master of all time." For this reason, he became known as the "Sage Calligrapher".

In this short letter written in running script, Wang Hsi-chih sends greetings to a friend after a snowfall. The Ming dynasty connoisseur Chan Ching-feng (1520-1602) pointed out that the round, forceful, elegant nature of the brushwork here has a leisurely spirit that influenced the running script of Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322), an influential calligrapher of the Yuan dynasty.

Much of the brushwork appears round and blunt, the dots and hooked strokes not revealing the tip of the brush. The characters are even and balanced, revealing a straightforward elegance and introverted harmony.

The Ch'ien-lung Emperor (reigned 1736-1795) in the Ch'ing dynasty especially prized this work, praising it as "The one and only; a masterpiece for all time." In 1747, he had it and "Mid-Autumn" by Wang Hsi-chih's son (Wang Hsien-Chin) and "Po-yuan" by Wang Hsun mounted together to form what he called "The Three Treasures" and housed in a special building--"The Three Treasures Hall".

* [b:69a3419904]唐 書譜 孫過庭[/b:69a3419904]



[b:69a3419904]唐 書譜 孫過庭[/b:69a3419904] 卷 紙本 縱 26.5 公分 橫900.8 公分





[b:69a3419904]Essay on Calligraphy
Sun Kuo-t'ing[/b:69a3419904] (fl. latter half of 7th c.), T'ang Dynasty Handscroll, ink on paper, 26.5 x 900.8 cm

Although there is some controversy historical texts over Sun Kuo-t'ing's actual name and native place, it would appear from his signature on this work that Sun Kuo-t'ing indeed was his name and that he was from Wu-chun. Although of humble origins, he eventually went on to serve in high position at court. Since he was of high moral integrity, however, he resigned from officialdom after he was slandered at court. He then turned to focus on the study of calligraphy.

The first column of this handscroll at the right translates as follows:" Chapter One of Essay on Calligraphy. By Sun Kuo-t'ing of Wu-chun." The end of the scroll at the left states, "Record written in the third year of the Ch'ui-kung era [687 AD]." The content itself deals mainly with the author's experiences in calligraphy, an essay on essential points, and some basic principles of calligraphy. This handscroll is generally considered to be the preface to a longer work. Sometime from the 10th to 15th century, it was cut into two pieces. Coming into the hands of the Ming dynasty collector Yen Sung (1480-1565), it was remounted as a single work again. It is believed to have been originally composed of two chapters, the second of which was the main essay that the author did not finish.

Sun Kuo-t'ing specialized in cursive script using the style of Wang Hsi-chih (ca. 303-361). Sun's style is exceptionally accomplished, and it remained unparalleled throughout the T'ang dynasty (618-907). The paper and ink of this work are in a remarkable state of preservation, providing a detailed and clear account of his dazzling brushwork. This is not only an exceptionally insightful essay on the study of calligraphy, but it is also an ideal model for the art of cursive script. It represents a style that fuses a straightforward quality with beautiful elegance.

Sun Kuo-t'ing sometimes held the brush straight and other times at an angle. The tip of the brush is occasionally exposed. The brushwork dashes forth, changing constantly in a way that never ceases to amaze the viewer. The force is strong yet.

* [img:69a3419904]http://www.4uup.com/bbs/attachments/forumid_64/loveseed_dJxH3b1Lt9iC.gif[/img:69a3419904]

* [b:69a3419904]唐 祭姪文稿 顏真卿[/b:69a3419904]



[b:69a3419904]唐 祭姪文稿 顏真卿[/b:69a3419904] 卷 紙本 縱 28.3公分 橫 75.5 公分



[b:69a3419904]Draft of a Requiem to My Nephew
Yen Cheng-ch'ing[/b:69a3419904] (709-785), T'ang Dynasty
Handscroll, ink on paper, 28.3 x 75.5 cm

Yen Chen-ch'ing's ancestors came from the Shantung area. During the revolt of Li Hsi-lieh, Yen Chen-ch'ing was instructed to bring an imperial communique to the rebels. However, he was detained and, on the third day of the eighth lunar month of 785, was executed. Yen therefore has long been considered a loyal martyr of the T'ang dynasty. Earlier, in the rebellion of An Lu-shan, Yen Chen-ch'ing's cousin Yen Kao-ch'ing was serving as magistrate of Shan-chun. When rebel forces invaded the area, the T'ang armies did not come to the rescue, resulting in the fall of the town and the death of Yen Kao-ch'ing and his son, Yen Chi-ming. This is what Yen Chen-ch'ing meant when he wrote in this piece, "Traitorous officials did not rescue [them], so a lone town was surrounded. A father and son perished, and their nest was destroyed." After the incident, Yen Chen-ch'ing sent his elder nephew Ch'uan-ming to the town to make funerary arrangements. However, he could only come up with fragmentary remains of their bodies. Thus, it was under these circumstances that Yen Chen-ch'ing at the age of 49 wrote "Draft of a Requiem to My Nephew."

Scholars have pointed out that the character of a person is revealed in the way he does calligraphy. Yen Chen-ch'ing was a man of loyalty and integrity all his life, and this spirit is revealed in his calligraphy. This scroll is one of the works most frequently cited by scholars. It was done with a stubby brush, imparting a round and upright manner that suggests flowing seal script. Though the ink is so dark that it appears scorched, considerable variety to the shades of the ink from start to finish are due to the speed and movement of the brush. Consequently, it looks as if written in a single sitting.

This scroll was probably a preliminary draft for a more formal composition. Consequently, Yen Chen-ch'ing went back and crossed out and changed characters in numerous places. This shows how he composed and edited his writing, providing insight into his ideas as well as his calligraphy. Despite the formality of the content, the style of the work reveals considerable emotional unrestraint, making this one of the premier examples from the hand of Yen Chen-ch'ing.


* [b:69a3419904]唐 自敘帖 懷素[/b:69a3419904]



唐 自敘帖 懷素 卷 紙本 縱 28.3公分 橫 755 公分




Huai-su[/b:69a3419904] (fl. ca. 730s-770s), T'ang Dynasty
Handscroll, ink on paper, 28.3 x 755 cm

Huai-su was a monk who originally went by the name Ch'ien Ts'ang-chen. Born in Ling-ling County, Hunan, he later moved to Ch'ang-sha. Even as a youth, he was interested in Buddhism, eventually taking the tonsure. Huai-su was also a devotee of the art of cursive script. At around 772, he traveled north to the capital Ch'ang-an and Loyang. His cursive script was similar in spirit to his free and unrestrained personality. It was therefore greatly admired by famous contemporaries, poets, and other calligraphers, such as Yen Chen-ch'ing (709-785), who all presented him with gifts of prose and poetry. In 777, Huai-su transcribed some of these gifts with a preface in "wild" cursive script to create this handscroll.

In this work, Huai-su used a fine brush to write out often quite large characters. The strokes are rounded and dashing, almost as if they were steel wires curled and bent. The tip of the brush is exposed where it lifts from the paper, leaving a distinctive hook-hence the description "steel strokes and silver hooks" for his calligraphy. A continuous cursive force permeates the entire piece. The brush skirts up, down, left, and right as it speeds across the paper. The crescendos of the brush, as if it were a sword, reveal varying speeds. The calligraphy also appears heavy and light in places. In other words, this work appears very much like a symphony with distinct rhythms, harmonies and sections where the instruments are all wonderfully orchestrated for an overall sense of feeling and depth. In addition to the strokes, the dots suggest breaks for the flowing strokes. In the relentless force of the brushwork, the centered brush swirled and danced to create character after character and line after line, only to be punctuated by the impeccably placed dots. Despite this piece being "wild" cursive script, it also has a sense of regularity. Thus, this handscroll represents the ultimate in cursive script-control with freedom and spirit with restraint.


[b:69a3419904]宋 寒食帖 蘇軾 [/b:69a3419904]



宋 寒食帖 蘇軾 卷 紙本 縱 34.2公分 橫 18 公分



空庖煮寒菜,破 燒濕葦。那知是寒食,但見烏銜紙。




[b:69a3419904]The Cold Food Observance
Su Shih[/b:69a3419904] (1036-1101), Sung Dynasty
Handscroll, ink on paper, 34.2 x 18 cm

Su Shih, a native of Szechwan, is probably best known by his sobriquet, Tung-p'o. A bold personality and direct scholar-official, he was accused of literary slander and banished from the capital. Although his career had its vicissitudes at the hands of political opponents, he has always been considered an immortal in the art of poetry and prose. This piece represents poetry that he wrote during exile to Huang-chou in 1082. It was transcribed into a work of calligraphy sometime thereafter. Despite Su's upbeat character, the poetry has an air of dejection to it. The characters and the distance between them, for example, seem to vary rhythmically according to the emotional content.

In terms of semi-cursive script, the size of the characters here ranges considerably. Su Shih once said of his own calligraphy that it is "everything from short to long, plump to bony." Here, the size of the characters is sometimes reserved, other times bold. Characters that particularly stand out include those in lines 2 (nien), 5 (chung), 11 (wei), and 13 (chih) from the right, where their last vertical stroke trails down for some distance to stand out against the blank paper. The variation in the thickness of and distance between the lines as well as the size of the characters help to give this work a uniquely individual quality. In fact, Su Shih's calligraphy represents one of the more personal styles of the period. Furthermore, another great Sung calligrapher, Huang T'ing-chien (1045-1105), wrote a colophon for this work sometime before the ninth lunar month of 1100. The sizes of the characters in Huang's colophon are even larger than Su's, creating an ideal complement to this masterpiece of calligraphy.


* [b:69a3419904]宋 七言詩 (花氣薰人帖) 黃庭堅[/b:69a3419904]



宋 七言詩 (花氣薰人帖) 黃庭堅
冊 紙本 縱 30.7 公分 橫 43.2 公分 宋四家墨寶冊第九幅






[b:69a3419904]Poem in Seven-character Verse
Huang T'ing-chien[/b:69a3419904] (1045-1105), Sung Dynasty
Album leaf, ink on paper, 30.7 x 43.2 cm

Huang T'ing-chien (style name Lu-chih; sobriquet Fu-weng) was a native of Fen-ning, Kiangsi. At the age of 23, he received his chin-shih civil service degree. During his career as an official, he served as Prefect of T'ai-ho in Shansi and Editor at court. During the Shao-sheng era (1094-1097), however, he was demoted to Mounted Escort of Fu-chou in Szechuan, living in Ch'ien-chou and later moving to Jung-chou. Late in life, Huang was demoted to I-chou in Kuang-hsi, passing away at the age of 60 in office. Despite the vicissitudes of his career, he is recognized as a major poet-calligrapher of the Northern Sung who associated with Su Shih, whom he equaled in the art of poetry. The sources of his calligraphy were varied, but he was mostly influenced by Yen Chen-ch'ing (709-785), Su Shih, and the Southern Dynasties "I-ho ming" stone engraving. In 1094, he saw Huai-su's (725-777) "Autobiography," a masterpiece in cursive calligraphy now also in the National Palace Museum collection. Inspired, his style became increasingly strong and cursive.

In 1087, Huang T'ing-chien wrote two poems to his friend Wang Kung in Yang-chou, saying, "Wang Chih-ch'ing [Shen] has many times written poems waiting for my response, but I have never felt like writing a poem. However, he does not give up, often sending gifts of flowers. In jest, I have written this poem to him¡K." Thus, this poem was originally meant for Wang Shen and it expressed Huang's desire to avoid responding to him. Here, the brushwork is strong and upright, and the ink varies between dry and moist.

This is the ninth leaf from the album "Sung ssu-chia mo-pao."


* [b:69a3419904]宋 詩帖 宋徽宗[/b:69a3419904]



詩帖 宋徽宗 卷 絹本 縱 27.2 公分 橫 265.9 公分






Emperor Hui-tsung [/b:69a3419904](1082-1135), Sung Dynasty
Handscroll, ink on silk, 27.2 x 265.9 cm

The common name for Emperor Hui-tsung was Chao Chi. Reigning as the eighth emperor of the Sung dynasty (960-1279) from 1101 to 1125, Hui-tsung was known for his excessively extravagant lifestyle, which is believed to be part of the reason for the near collapse of the dynasty and his own demise at enemy hands. However, he was also known for his passion for painting, calligraphy, poetry, and prose. His painting and calligraphy are marked by exceptional refinement and observation to detail. His paintings of birds-and-flowers, in particular, are renowned for their realism and beauty. Hui-tsung was the guiding force behind the Academy of Painting in the late Northern Sung and his influence on early Chinese painting was great.

Hui-tsung called his own calligraphic style "slender gold." This style has its origins with those of Hsueh Chi (649-713) and Hsueh Yao (fl. 684-704) of the T'ang dynasty, which in turn evolved out of that of Ch'u Sui-liang (596-658). The slender gold style is characterized by the thin, sharp quality of the strokes as well as the knobby features to the turns and stops of the brush, making the calligraphy appear delicate yet solid. For example, when doing a horizontal stroke, the brush is drawn evenly from left to right, but then at the end, the brush is pressed down diagonally to create a firm stop. Then, with a pause, a trace is shown for the movement of the brush to the next stroke. Although the characters appear formally spaced and sized here as in standard script, the flaring quick movement of the brush at the stops and turns has a light and spirited manner similar to that of running or cursive script. The characters here are also quite large-in fact, the largest among any surviving work by Hui-tsung.


*[b:69a3419904] 元 書七言律詩 張雨[/b:69a3419904]


元 書七言律詩 張雨 軸 紙本 縱 108.4 公分 橫 42.6 公分







[b:69a3419904]Regulated Verse in Seven Characters[/b:69a3419904]
[b:69a3419904]Chang Yu[/b:69a3419904] (1283-1350), [b:69a3419904]Yuan Dynasty [/b:69a3419904]
Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 108.4 x 42.6 cm

Chang Yu (alternate name T'ien-yu, style name Po-yu, and sobriquet Chen-chu-tzu), a native of Ch'ien-t'ang (modern Hangchow), was a well-known Taoist of the Yuan dynasty who moved at the age of 29 to Mao-shan (in Kiangsu), about which he wrote a gazetteer. At the age of 59, he gave up life as a Taoist and became a Confucian scholar, traveling through the Kiangsu and Chekiang area and associating with artists and writers. In addition to being skilled at poetry and prose, he was also an able painter and calligrapher, being praised in the secular and religious world.

This particular piece of calligraphy reveals Chang Yu's unique way of ordering the individual characters as well as structuring the composition. The calligraphy is full of twists and turns, rises and falls, and pauses and climaxes. Said by Ming (1368-1644) writers to combine formal and informal elements from the styles of such calligraphers as Li Yung (678-747) and Huai-su (725-777), Chang's style is a dramatic departure from that of his contemporary Chao Meng-fu. Chang once studied calligraphy under Chao Meng-fu, and his running and standard scripts clearly reveal Chao's influence. This scroll, however, goes against traditional standards of beauty to reveal a wilder and bolder side. The manner of Ou-yang Hsun is also sometimes seen, but the characters appear to have been composed as if in a drunken stupor. Chang Yu helped pioneer a new chapter in the art of calligraphy and influenced Yuan and later styles. Ink ranges from dark to dry as if this Taoist had just awoken from intoxication to capture the fleeting traces of inspiration, thus accounting for the spirited and charged brushwork of the piece much in the manner of Huai-su's "Autobiography."

    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-02-18 16:46


漢語在線 ~ 迴風小築 ~ 相逢即有緣,給您最大的祝福 ...
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   時間:2005-02-19 06:33    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   摘自 天下文壇   L.A.Tim  2005-02-19 06:33

張雨那律詩第四句的 '天',與結句 '灘' 失律,且意不融洽,或許釋文有誤o
    天下文壇  天下文壇 L.A.Tim  2005-02-19 06:33


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