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天下文壇 > 英文詩苑 > 吳銓高詩=文壇   畢泠  江山如畫  
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  發帖人 主題標題:  吳銓高詩=文壇       回覆數: 5 點數: 1081  第 1 樓 


積 分:127134.64
貨 幣:26894.64
來 自:香港


   時間:2004-11-25 08:10    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   摘自 天下文壇   二覺陀  2004-11-25 08:10

文壇【原創 : 二覺陀】物16古韻
欣臨詩網渡餘年 , 素仰蘇曹李杜仙。滿座高才朱紫貴 ; 鎮壇名宿竹林賢。
吟風弄月交良友 ; 置腹推心結善緣。砥礪磋研詞更好 , 同宏國粹火薪傳。

Literary Forum【英譯 : 二覺陀】
I am glad to spend the rest of my life in this poem website.
The famous poets such as Su , Cao , Li and Du are my supreme images.
All the participants are noble and high talented.
All the eminent editors are able and virtuous. 
I make good friends with them in the course of chanting poems.
I repose full confidence in them and cherish our good friendship.
My poem skill improves remarkably after our mutual tempering and polishing.
Our purpose is to advocate and prolong the quintessence of Chinese culture.

   [ 二覺陀 2012-07-08 15:51 編輯 ]
    天下文壇  天下文壇 二覺陀  2004-11-25 08:10


繁简字互换 http://bunbun000.com/home/word/
回覆:  Literature Forums        第 2 樓 


積 分:5651
貨 幣:5579
來 自:Unknow


   時間:2005-00-05 06:46    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   Literature Forums
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-00-05 06:46


[b:0e682de105]Literature Forums[/b:0e682de105]

So happy to join the poem forum on the Internet,
To spend the rest of my life studying is not a regret,
As I always admire those famous old times poets,
the Su, Cao, Li and Du—They all did good essays.

People attended forum are so talented and elegant,
And the instructor's patience is swell than ancient.

Thru chanting and studying, I gain friendship and resource.
While sharing the experience, we fill life with good course.

As we encourage each other, we make our poems better,
And to our common goal of promoting Chinese Culture,
We sure will inherit and to carry on the torch together.

文壇【原創 : 二覺陀】

欣臨詩網渡餘年 , 素仰蘇曹李杜仙 ,
滿座高才朱紫貴 , 鎮壇名宿竹林賢 ;
吟風弄月交良友 , 置腹推心結善緣 ;
砥礪磋研詞更好 , 同宏國粹火薪傳。


文壇【原創 : 二覺陀】
欣臨詩網渡餘年 , 素仰蘇曹李杜仙 ,
滿座高才朱紫貴 , 鎮壇名宿竹林賢 ;
吟風弄月交良友 , 置腹推心結善緣 ;
砥礪磋研詞更好 , 同宏國粹火薪傳。

Literary Forum【英譯 : 二覺陀】
I am glad to spend the rest of my life in this poem website.
The famous poets such as Su , Cao , Li and Du are my supreme images.
All the participants are noble and high talented.
All the eminent editors are able and virtuous.
I make good friends with them in the course of chanting poems.
I repose full confidence in them and cherish our good friendship.
My poem skill improves remarkably after our mutual tempering and polishing.
Our purpose is to advocate and prolong the quintessence of Chinese culture.

    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-00-05 06:46


漢語在線 ~ 迴風小築 ~ 相逢即有緣,給您最大的祝福 ...
回覆:          第 3 樓 


積 分:127134.64
貨 幣:26894.64
來 自:香港


   時間:2005-00-06 09:18    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   摘自 天下文壇   二覺陀  2005-00-06 09:18

Thank you , moderator ! The translation is much better after amendments. :D


文壇【原創 : 二覺陀】
欣臨詩網渡餘年 , 素仰蘇曹李杜仙 ,
滿座高才朱紫貴 , 鎮壇名宿竹林賢 ;
吟風弄月交良友 , 置腹推心結善緣 ;
砥礪磋研詞更好 , 同宏國粹火薪傳。

Literary Forum 【英譯 : 二覺陀】
So happy to join the poem forum on the Internet,
To spend the rest of my life there is not a regret.
As I always admire those famous old times poets,
the Su, Cao, Li and Du—They all did good essays.
People attended forum are so talented and elegant,
And the instructors』 patience is swell than ancient.
Thru chanting and studying, I gain friendship with resource.
While sharing the experience, we fill life with good course.
As we encourage each other, we make our poems better,
And to our common goal of promoting Chinese Culture,
We sure will inherit and to carry on the torch together.
    天下文壇  天下文壇 二覺陀  2005-00-06 09:18


繁简字互换 http://bunbun000.com/home/word/
回覆:          第 4 樓 


積 分:5651
貨 幣:5579
來 自:Unknow


   時間:2005-00-06 10:29    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-00-06 10:29

1) The Title [b:04b3c094c6]Literary Forum[/b:04b3c094c6] should be read as [b:04b3c094c6]Literature Forums[/b:04b3c094c6].

2) On line 7- replaced with by and. So with shown only once.
Also is a good balance on the 2 nouns.

Thru chanting and studying, I gain friendship [color=blue:04b3c094c6]and[/color:04b3c094c6] resource.
While sharing the experience, we fill life with good course.

    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-00-06 10:29


漢語在線 ~ 迴風小築 ~ 相逢即有緣,給您最大的祝福 ...
回覆:  吳銓高詩=文壇        第 5 樓 


積 分:127134.64
貨 幣:26894.64
來 自:香港


   時間:2005-00-06 10:45    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   摘自 天下文壇   二覺陀  2005-00-06 10:45

文壇【原創 : 吳銓高】人16古韻 [精選]
欣臨詩網渡餘年 , 素仰蘇曹李杜仙。滿座高才朱紫貴 ; 鎮壇名宿竹林賢。
吟風弄月交良友 ; 置腹推心結善緣。砥礪磋研詞更好 , 同宏國粹火薪傳。

Literature Forum【By Charles Wu】
So happy to join the poem forum on the Internet,
To spend the rest of my life there is not a regret.
As I always admire those famous old times poets,
the Su, Cao, Li and Du—They all did good essays.
People attended forum are so talented and elegant,
And the instructors’ patience is swell than ancient.
Thru chanting and studying, I gain friendship and resource.
While sharing the experience, we fill life with good course.
As we encourage each other, we make our poems better,
And to our common goal of promoting Chinese Culture,
We sure will inherit and to carry on the torch together.

吳銓高 詩情畫意 [文壇]------------ [卷E] 885

輝字吳銓高詩 [文壇]------------ [卷 H] 124

吳銓高 毛筆書法1 [文壇]---------------[卷03] 241

吳銓高 毛筆書法2 [文壇]---------------[卷33] 899

網上相逢, 也算是一種缘份, 送大家一份禮物 [中國文學故事]!

   [ 二覺陀 2012-07-08 15:51 編輯 ]
    天下文壇  天下文壇 二覺陀  2005-00-06 10:45


繁简字互换 http://bunbun000.com/home/word/
回覆:          第 6 樓 


積 分:5651
貨 幣:5579
來 自:Unknow


   時間:2005-00-07 06:31    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-00-07 06:31


[b:11a6434999]Literature Forums[/b:11a6434999] [color=green:11a6434999]﹝二覺陀﹞[/color:11a6434999]

So happy to join the poem forum on the Internet,
To spend the rest of my life there is not a regret.
As I always admire those famous old times poets,
the Su, Cao, Li and Du—They all did good essays.

People attended forum are so talented and elegant,
And the instructors』 patience is swell than ancient.
Thru chanting and studying, I gain friendship and resource.
While sharing the experience, we fill life with good course.

As we encourage each other, we make our poems better,
And to our common goal of promoting Chinese Culture,
We sure will inherit and to carry on the torch together.


文壇【原創 : 二覺陀】
欣臨詩網渡餘年 , 素仰蘇曹李杜仙 ,
滿座高才朱紫貴 , 鎮壇名宿竹林賢 ;
吟風弄月交良友 , 置腹推心結善緣 ;
砥礪磋研詞更好 , 同宏國粹火薪傳。
    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-00-07 06:31


漢語在線 ~ 迴風小築 ~ 相逢即有緣,給您最大的祝福 ...
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