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轉…... 贊二覺陀老先生 【原創:無嗔】
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天下文壇 > 英文詩苑 > 轉…... 贊二覺陀老先生 【原創:無嗔】   畢泠  江山如畫  
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  發帖人 主題標題:  轉…... 贊二覺陀老先生 【原創:無嗔】        回覆數: 0 點數: 1033  第 1 樓 


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來 自:Unknow


   時間:2005-05-08 03:04    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   轉…... 贊二覺陀老先生 【原創:無嗔】
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-05-08 03:04


... 原文連結:

臨屏一首…... 贊二覺陀老先生 【原創:無嗔】


Praise Senior Enlightened Esquire ﹝英譯:畢泠﹞

Non-stop writing is impossible, but this old man did it so well.
The persistence of continuation made his success as wonder.
He indulges in poems composing, occasionally plays the Zither,
The Melody flows like waters running down mountain waterfall,
The notes with love praise for springtime’s snow and beautiful.
People in China know his good virtue although he is not aware.
With sincerity, we thumb up humbly to pay respect for his glare.
With sincerity, we thumb up humbly to pay respect and admire.
Senior Enlightened Esquire, the Sir, he sure deserves the honor.


admire 詞性不對,不過因為是詩歌型態,為了押韻,應可以被接受。... 慚愧 ...
Non-stop writing is impossible, but this old man did it well.
The persistence of continuation made his success a wonder.
With sincere and humble, we thumb up to pay respect and admire.
With sincere, we humbly thumb up to pay respect and admire.
With sincerity, we thumb up humbly to pay respect and admire.
He sure deserves the praise, Senior Enlightened Esquire, the sir.


臨屏一首…... 贊二覺陀老先生 【原創 : 無嗔】
To Chant On The Screen-----To Praise Sleep Buddha Esquire【英譯 : 二覺陀】

This elder person writes articles constantly.
According to his outstanding willpower, he has succeeded.
He possesses the knack of composing poems and applies it ingeniously.
In addition to his polishing poems, he sometimes plays fiddle music.
He plays so skillfully as if rapid water running along the mountain.
Occasionally, he composes the ancient melody table again
and plays it with Chinese musical instrument.
His reputation goes widely in Mainland China but he does not perceive it at all.
Our achievement cannot compare with him, and we feel very ashamed.

    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-05-08 03:04


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