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Quatern‧28 種英文詩歌型態簡介及範例‧18
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天下文壇 > 英文詩苑 > Quatern‧28 種英文詩歌型態簡介及範例‧18   畢泠  江山如畫  
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   時間:2005-06-18 02:07    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   Quatern‧28 種英文詩歌型態簡介及範例‧18
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-06-18 02:07

Quatern‧28 種英文詩歌型態簡介及範例‧18

從 A 至 Z,28種類型,簡單的解說及詩詞作品範例,
很容易明瞭,是很好的參考! 歡迎練習寫作。

Abcedarian, Acrostic,Australian Bush Poetry,
Ballad, Ballade,Cinquain, Clerihew,Concrete,
Diamonte, Dodoitsu, Epic, General Poetry,
Haiku,kyrielle, Limerick, Nonet,
Parallelismus Membrorum, [colo=Bluer]Quatern[/color],
Rictameter, Rondeau, Rondelet,
Senryu, Shakespearian Sonnet,
Tetractys, Than-Bauk,Triolet, Tyburn,



A Quatern is a sixteen line French form composed of four quatrains.
It is similar to the Kyrielle and the Retourne.
It has a refrain that is in a different place in each quatrain.
The first line of stanza one is the second line of stanza two,
third line of stanza three, and fouth line of stanza four.
A quatern has eight syllables per line.
It does not have to be iambic or follow a set rhyme scheme.

line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4

line 5
line 6 (line 1)
line 7
line 8

line 9
line 10
line 11 (line 1)
line 12

line 13
line 14
line 15
line 16 (line 1)

[b]A Withered Leaf[/b]

A withered leaf falls to the ground.
In contemplation I'm aware
that much of history will astound
us when we realise what we share.

I look at sights that seem the same,
a withered leaf falls to the ground.
Ancestral souls that share our name
resurface. In our traits they're found.

A glance, a look can be renowned
as features of our family line.
A withered leaf falls to the ground
and I relate because it's mine.

As part of one big family tree
we share our roots. They're tightly bound.
When new life grows from you and me
a withered leaf falls to the ground.

[b]September Morn[/b]

A portrait of September morn -
red, gold and orange are in place,
with darkness fading, daylight's born
to cast it's magic into space.

The darker, black and purple hues,
a portrait of September morn -
will soon fill out with brilliant blues
then sailors near the rocks will scorn.

In daylight there's no need to warn
of rocky shores. The whitecaps whip
a portrait of September morn
that can be seen from every ship.

For sailors lost on rocks at night,
we pray, salute. Ships blow their horn
for those that didn't see the light -
a portrait of September morn.

    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-06-18 02:07


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