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The Roosters --- 雞年談雞
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   The Roosters --- 雞年談雞
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-05-08 02:35

The Rooster --- 雞年說雞


The Rooster

Principle Qualities: Honest, frank obliging, courageous.

Principle Defects: Vain, thoughtless, preoccupied with his appearance.

Gives of himself completely.
Tradition has it that he would find an earthworm in the desert.

Best Role: Military hero or comic figure.
Worst Role: Spy (he is to conspicious).

Very extravagant; he cannot resist temptation.
His bank account often will be in the red.

He does not have much. All his life he will be forced to scratch the earth to find food.
But if he is born in spring, he will be less of a braggart.

Cannot Live Without

Admiring looks from others are a drug to him, even though he might not admit it.

From time to time to spend quiet holidays in an isolated and comfortable place.

Any attempt to probe his private being or expose his motives.
In short, any attempt to lift his feathers to look underneath.

Leisure Activities
Evenings spent socialising or reading.

Favourite Places
He likes to have a corner of his own, decorated by him,
where others can only enter by invitation. A 'kind' of secret garden.

Colour: Yellow.

Plants: Genetian; orange and palm trees.

Flower: Sunflower, hawthorn.

Any commercial profession from salesman to sales director or sales representative;
military officer; restaurant owner, airdresser, pulic relations, farmer, aesthete, manicurist, teacher.

During his childhood, youth and maturity, the Rooster will often have problems
and his life will be strewn with ups and downs.
He will know the greatest joys and suffer the greatest sorrows;
he will be surrounded by friends, sometimes alone.
But as soon as he attains emotional stability and becomes settled in a profession,
his life will become calm. In any case, he will enjoy a happy old age.


| Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake | Horse | Goat | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Pig |
| Legend of Buddha | Yin & Yang | Identify your Sign |

    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-05-08 02:35


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