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吳銓高詩詞中英對照----- 能否進一步 ?
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   時間:2006-01-21 10:03    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   吳銓高詩詞中英對照----- 能否進一步 ?
   摘自 天下文壇   二覺陀  2006-01-21 10:03

能否進一步 ? 【原創 : 二覺陀】
Can I Advance One Step Forward ?

我是荒山一片岩 , 偶然被送到人間。
顛簸中恰巧跌落 , 台灣高雄愛河邊。
I am a piece of rock deserted in the mountain.
Accidentally, some one sends me to a garden.
On the way of transportation, it happens that I fall upon ;
The bank of the Love River at “Gao-xiong” in Taiwan .

遊人狠狠的踐踏 , 驕陽熱熱的炙煎。
歆羡清流下同族 , 但願與它們並肩。
Visitors trample me ruthlessly on their way.
The blazing sun fiercely roasts me day by day.
How I admire my brothers under the cool water.
I wish to stay with them shoulder to shoulder .

多少次努力移動 , 總覺得舉步維艱。
只好默默的等待 , 期望能遇到神仙。
How many times I make great efforts to move,
I have difficulty to step out and no improve.
Nothing can be done but waiting in silence.
Expecting a fairy to whom I can air my grievance.

驀然小姑娘到來 , 俯身拾我在指尖。
倘若她不向前擲 , 我如何能往水遷 !
One day, a young girl appears suddenly.
She holds me in her finger tip gently.
If she does not make a throw forward;
How can I move to the water downward!

   [ 二覺陀 2007-03-24 10:03 編輯 ]
    天下文壇  天下文壇 二覺陀  2006-01-21 10:03


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