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Ballade‧28 種英文詩歌型態簡介及範例‧5
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天下文壇 > 英文詩苑 > Ballade‧28 種英文詩歌型態簡介及範例‧5   畢泠  江山如畫  
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  發帖人 主題標題:  Ballade‧28 種英文詩歌型態簡介及範例‧5       回覆數: 0 點數: 568  第 1 樓 


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   時間:2005-06-18 05:31    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   Ballade‧28 種英文詩歌型態簡介及範例‧5
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-06-18 05:31

Ballade‧28 種英文詩歌型態簡介及範例‧5

從 A 至 Z,28種類型,簡單的解說及詩詞作品範例,
很容易明瞭,是很好的參考! 歡迎練習寫作。

Abcedarian, Acrostic,Australian Bush Poetry,
Ballad, [color=Blue]Ballade[/color],Cinquain, Clerihew,Concrete,
Diamonte, Dodoitsu, Epic, General Poetry,
Haiku,kyrielle, Limerick, Nonet,
Parallelismus Membrorum, Quatern,
Rictameter, Rondeau, Rondelet,
Senryu, Shakespearian Sonnet,
Tetractys, Than-Bauk,Triolet, Tyburn,


[b]BALLADE [/b]

The Ballade is a French form composed of three stanzas of eight lines
and an envoy of four lines, with the last line of each stanza a refrain.

It is usually iambic and the most common line lengths are eight or ten syllables.
The rhyme scheme is ababbcbC ababbcbC ababbcbC bcbC.

[b]Beseeching My Muse [/b]

Immortal sisters please help me
there are so many words to choose.
Help, I beseech you, hear my plea
I need guidance from you my Muse.
Get me started, give me some clues
lead with purpose, give me a goal.
With you at my side I can't lose,
you inspire and uplift my soul.

Help me find creativity
in letters and words that I use.
When I write verse and poetry
look over my work, give reviews.
Some words I tend to overuse,
to make the right choice, and enthuse.
You inspire and uplift my soul.

I hear orchestral melody,
it's a performance to infuse,
sweet voices all in harmony
I stay to linger and peruse.
More than delighted at the news
you Muses are making me whole,
I'll write and soon have no excuse.
You inspire and uplift my soul.

I read and sometimes wonder who's
been writing the words on my scroll.
Calliope, I thank you and Zeus.
You inspire and uplift my soul.

    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-06-18 05:31


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