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南宋‧龍泉窯‧翠青五管瓶 - Shaped Vessel (1127-1279)
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   南宋‧龍泉窯‧翠青五管瓶 - Shaped Vessel (1127-1279)
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-05-19 20:42

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文章主題: 南宋‧龍泉窯‧翠青五管瓶 - Shaped Vessel (1127-1279)

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Five-spouted vessel in emerald green glaze (1127-1279)


南宋/龍泉窯/翠青五管瓶 (1127-1279)
高12.4公分 面徑13公分 足徑7.2公分





[b]Five-spouted vessel in emerald green glaze [/b]

Lung-ch'uan ware, Southern Sung (1127-1279) period
Height: 12.4 cm, top diameter: 13 cm, foot diameter: 7.2 cm

This broad short vessel has small round mouth that folds outward at the
lip in a manner resembling a mushroom.

The straight neck connects with the wide, oblique shoulder of the vessel.

The lower part of the body collects slightly at the circular foot.

Five rectilinear tubes rise from the neck and open into the main body
of the piece.

Petals have been carved into the sides of the body in the fashion of
an upturned lotus flower.

The thick emerald glaze is richly lined at the lower half of this piece,
producing soft white "veins" at the raised edges of the lotus petals.

The gray underbody, exposed at the foot, has turned a reddish-orange.

Vessels resembling this exquisitely shaped piece have been recovered from
a middle-period Southern Sung storage vault in Suining county, Szechwan
province and from a Yuan dynasty boat that sank in the Shinhan Sea of

The glaze of Lung-chuan ware has been widely praised for its emerald
greenish hue.

In the Southern Sung period, production of Lung-chuan ware rapidly
expanded to meet the demand of the officials and people in southern
China and in response to government encouragement of foreign trade.

Wares of this type were produced by large networks of kilns in eight
counties neighboring modern-day Lungchuan and Lishui counties.

Kilns in the coastal regions of Fukien province also turned out imitations
in great volume.

Lung-chuan wares could be found in Korea, Japan, the Ryukyu Islands,
Southeast Asia, and even as far away as the eastern coast of Africa.

With their dense ashen-white underbody, thick unctuous glaze, and
tranquil reserve, these refined works recall the beauty of jade.

Some scholars conclude that multi-cylindered objects of this type served as
candleholders, while others propose that they were used as flower vases.

Their true function is in fact difficult to determine. Similar types of
multi-necked vessel have been excavated from graves dating back
to the Northern Sung period.

In this context, they appear to have symbolized a "granary".

Vessels of the type shown here may have derived their shape from such
funerary antecedents, though their discovery in cellars and sunken boats
indicates that they were used as objects of daily life.

* 以上,轉載自故宮博物院典藏說明,英文部分重新段落編輯。

   [ 畢泠 2005-05-19 20:46 編輯 ]
    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-05-19 20:42


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