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Taking Kindness for Granted
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天下文壇 > 英文詩苑 > Taking Kindness for Granted   畢泠  江山如畫  
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積 分:5651
貨 幣:5579
來 自:Unknow


   時間:2005-01-01 07:19    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   Taking Kindness for Granted
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-01-01 07:19

[b:ef985d44c9][color=blue:ef985d44c9]Taking Kindness for Granted [/color:ef985d44c9][/b:ef985d44c9]

[color=red:ef985d44c9][b:ef985d44c9]Taking Kindness for Granted[/b:ef985d44c9][/color:ef985d44c9]

[b:ef985d44c9][color=green:ef985d44c9]Taking Kindness for Granted [/color:ef985d44c9][/b:ef985d44c9]

The saying "To repay kindness with enmity" points out that people usually only recall the enmity they have experienced, but fail to remember the kindnesses they have received. Our memories thus retain few instances of kindness, but many experiences of enmity. The best way to eliminate that enmity is to have gratitude in our heart. As the saying goes, "A greedy man insatiably craves like a snake trying to swallow an elephant." The greedy are never satisfied. They always think it's still not enough, and they deserve other people's kindness even though they have given them so much. For example, they take for granted that their parents, siblings, and even neighbors should treat them kindly.

Those who think this way are ungrateful. They don't appreciate other people's kindness, expecting other people to give, while they only want to receive. Lacking a sense of gratitude, they become insatiably greedy. These people hate those who do not help them, and even some who do help them, because they think it is still not enough. Therefore, they hate not only the bad guys, but also those who have been good to them. Taken to an extreme, they come to hate everything and everybody.

(Dharma Drum Monthly 159)

Short Essays

Is It Foolish Not to Enjoy Your Blessings
[b:ef985d44c9] Taking Kindness for Granted [/b:ef985d44c9]
Men Vie for the Edge
A Mind Free of All Burdens
A Simple Change of Perspective


    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-01-01 07:19


漢語在線 ~ 迴風小築 ~ 相逢即有緣,給您最大的祝福 ...
回覆:          第 2 樓 


積 分:5651
貨 幣:5579
來 自:Unknow


   時間:2005-02-04 10:33    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2005-02-04 10:33


    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2005-02-04 10:33


漢語在線 ~ 迴風小築 ~ 相逢即有緣,給您最大的祝福 ...
回覆:          第 3 樓 


積 分:127134.64
貨 幣:26894.64
來 自:香港


   時間:2005-02-04 11:21    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   摘自 天下文壇   二覺陀  2005-02-04 11:21

Taking Kindness for Granted

The saying "To repay kindness with enmity" points out that people usually only recall the enmity they have experienced, but fail to remember the kindnesses they have received.


俗語說 : " 恩將仇報 ! " 意味著一般人 , 通常只記仇而不念恩。

Our memories thus retain few instances of kindness, but many experiences of enmity. The best way to eliminate that enmity is to have gratitude in our heart.
我們的腦海 , 只保留少許感恩的意念,卻堆滿了報仇的衝動。 減少仇恨最好的方法是要培養感恩的心。

As the saying goes, "A greedy man insatiably craves like a snake trying to swallow an elephant." The greedy are never satisfied.
諺語說," 人心不足蛇吞象。 " 貪婪的人永遠不會知足。

They always think it's still not enough, and they deserve other people's kindness even though they have given them so much.
他們總是貪得無厭 , 並且 , 他們認為別人給予他們的恩惠 , 是理所當然的。

For example, they take for granted that their parents, siblings, and even neighbors should treat them kindly.
例如,他們認為他們的父母,同胞甚至鄰居 , 應該善待他們。

Those who think this way are ungrateful. They don't appreciate other people's kindness, expecting other people to give, while they only want to receive.
抱著這種觀念的人 , 是忘恩負義的。 他們不感激別人的恩惠,期望別人不斷的施恩,而他們只管接受。

Lacking a sense of gratitude, they become insatiably greedy. These people hate those who do not help them, and even some who do help them, because they think it is still not enough.
缺乏一個感恩的心,他們變得貪婪無厭。 埋怨那些不幫助他們的親友,縱使親友已經作出了幫助,他們認為這些幫助是不足夠的。

Therefore, they hate not only the bad guys, but also those who have been good to them. Taken to an extreme, they come to hate everything and everybody.
因此,他們不僅憎恨壞人,而且憎恨曾經善待他們的人。 最後 , 走向極端,他們開始憤世嫉俗。

(Dharma Drum Monthly 159)
(法鼓月刊 第159期)

Short Essays
Is It Foolish Not to Enjoy Your Blessings
Taking Kindness for Granted
Men Vie for the Edge
A Mind Free of All Burdens
A Simple Change of Perspective

    天下文壇  天下文壇 二覺陀  2005-02-04 11:21


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