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Children Learn What They Live
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天下文壇 > 英文詩苑 > Children Learn What They Live   畢泠  江山如畫  
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積 分:5651
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   時間:2004-11-24 23:10    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   Children Learn What They Live
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2004-11-24 23:10

大家好!歡迎貼文分享您的經驗和心得─ 中英文均可,詩詞不拘。

[b:2bb6f91cc7]CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE[/b:2bb6f91cc7]


If a child lives with criticism. He learns to condemn.

If a child lives with hostility. He learns to fight.

If a child lives with ridicule. He learns to be shy.

If a child lives with shame. He learns to feel guilty.

If a child lives with tolerance. He learns to be patient.

If a child lives with encouragement. He learns confidence.

If a child lives with praise. He learns to appreciate.

If a child lives with fairness. He learns justice.

If a child lives with security. He learns to have faith.

If a child lives with approval. He learns to like himself.

If a child lives with acceptance and friendship. He learns to find love in the world.

Author Unknown
    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2004-11-24 23:10


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回覆:  Best Grand Remarks of the year        第 2 樓 


積 分:5651
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   時間:2004-11-30 21:30    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   Best Grand Remarks of the year
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2004-11-30 21:30

[b:4e90eb6657]TALLYING THE BEST 'GRAND REMARKS' OF THE YEAR[/b:4e90eb6657]

http://www.uexpress.com/grandparenting/ 轉載連結

Here's our Christmas present to our faithful readers -- a cornucopia of "Grand Remarks" sent in during the year:


If I were Ol' Santa, you know what I'd do?

I'd dump silly gifts given to you,

And deliver some things just inside your door --

Things you have lost, but treasured before.

No sore, aching feet and no corns on your toes,

No searching for glasses already on your nose.

Not a shot would you take in your arm, hip or fanny

From a doctor who thinks you're a nervous ol' granny.

I wish I could tell you all the symptons I've got,

But I'm due at my doctor's for an estrogen shot.

Even tho' we've grown older this wish is sincere:

Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy New Year!

[b:4e90eb6657]Sandra and Charlie Hardie, Montreat, N.C. [/b:4e90eb6657]


Dear Dee and Tom: Chandler, my nephew, 4, of Lake Stevens, Wash., has a typical youthful lisp. He was learning how to distinguish letters by reading signs: "ss ... Stop" starts with an S, and "mm ... McDonald's" with an M, and so on.
After doing this for a while, he turned to his mother and asked, "Mom, does 'Q ... uithmes' (Christmas) start with a Q?" We all loved it! -- Gene Goosman, Mukilteo, Wash.


Dear Dee and Tom: I just have to tell you this "Will Story." Will is now 7, and last Christmas his mother bought a present for him to give to his sister.
At age 6, he did a decent job wrapping a package. So his mother sent him to the room where his family was busily wrapping Christmas packages. He put a label on the present destined for his sister, "To Libby, from Will and Mommie."

His mother asked, "Why is my name on it?"

His quick explanation, "Well, you paid for it!" Happy Holiday Season and Happy New Year! -- Marylin Humphrey, Gettysburg, Pa.


Dear Dee and Tom: "Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents, and just listen." -- Bobby, 7, as contributed by Ron Romano, Quincy, Mass.


Dear Dee and Tom: What do you call Santa's faithful helpers? Of course, Subordinate Clauses! -- Faithful Year-Round Reader, Lapeer, Mich.


Dear Dee and Tom: A granddad, exhausted and slightly hungover after Christmas, goes fishing. He cuts a hole in the ice, and drops in his line, when a booming voice calls out, "There're no fish here!"
Perplexed, he asks, "Is that you, God?"

The answer, "No! I'm the manager of this ice rink!" -- Moby-Dick, Frederick, Md.


Dear Dee and Tom: I'll never forget this exchange with our grandson, Evan Patrick Murphy, 8. Of course he's brilliant and has a superb sense of humor.
After I recently bought him a package of chewing gum, he politely asked, "Would you like a piece?"

I answered, "No thanks, I don't chew gum very much."

In a flash, and with a big grin, he responded, "I guess that's because you're a vegetarian!" -- Joanne Silverman, Baltimore


Dee and Tom, married more than 50 years, have eight grandchildren. They welcome questions, suggestions and Grand Remarks of the Week. Send to P.O. Box 34, Butler, MD 21023. Or e-mail them at [email protected].

[b:4e90eb6657]COPYRIGHT 2004 UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE[/b:4e90eb6657]

    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2004-11-30 21:30


漢語在線 ~ 迴風小築 ~ 相逢即有緣,給您最大的祝福 ...
回覆:  Parents Must Steel Lightly Thru Adolescent Turbulence        第 3 樓 


積 分:5651
貨 幣:5579
來 自:Unknow


   時間:2004-11-30 22:04    編輯主題 引用回覆 檢視作者資料 給作者發悄悄話 檢視作者的所有帖子 版主操作 刪除主題    到頂端

   Parents Must Steel Lightly Thru Adolescent Turbulence
   摘自 天下文壇   畢泠  2004-11-30 22:04

http://www.uexpress.com/focusonthefamily/ 轉載連結


[b:1bdb7baaac]QUESTION[/b:1bdb7baaac]: My 16-year-old daughter is driving me crazy. She is sassy, noisy and selfish. Her room looks like a pigpen, and she won't work any harder in school than is absolutely necessary to get by. Everything I taught her, from manners to faith, seems to have sailed through her ears. What in the world do my husband and I do now?

[b:1bdb7baaac]DR. DOBSON[/b:1bdb7baaac]: I'm going to offer you some patented advice that may not make sense or seem responsive to the problem you've described. But stay with me. The most important thing you can do for your daughter is to "just get her through it." The concept is a bit obscure, so let me make an effort to explain it.

Imagine your daughter riding in a small canoe called "Puberty" on the Adolescent River. She soon comes to a turbulent stretch of white water that rocks her little boat violently. There is a very real danger that she will capsize and drown. Even if she survives today's rapids, she will certainly be caught in swirling currents downstream and plunge over the falls. That is the apprehension harbored by millions of parents with kids bouncing along on the wild river. It's the falls that worry them most.

Actually, the typical journey down the river is much safer than believed. Instead of the water becoming more violent downstream, it eventually transitions from frightening rapids to tranquility once more. I believe your daughter is going to be OK even though she is now splashing and thrashing and gasping for air. Her little boat is more buoyant than you might think.

Yes, a few individuals do go over the falls, usually because of drug abuse or other addictive behavior. But even some of them climb back in the canoe and paddle on down the river. Most will regain their equilibrium in a few years. In fact, the greatest danger of sinking a boat could come from ... parents!


[b:1bdb7baaac]QUESTION[/b:1bdb7baaac]: Just how much opportunity do parents have to remake the personalities of their children? Can they change characteristics that they dislike? My son is painfully shy and I'd like him to be strong and assertive. Can we redesign him?

[b:1bdb7baaac]DR. DOBSON[/b:1bdb7baaac]: You can teach new attitudes and modify some behavioral patterns, but you will not be able to redesign the basic personality with which your child was born. Some characteristics are genetically programmed; they will always be there. For example, some kids appear to be born to lead and others seem to be made to follow. And that fact can be a cause of concern for parents at times.

One mother told me that her compliant, easygoing child was being picked on and beat up every day in nursery school. She urged him to defend himself, but it contradicted his very nature to even think about standing up to the bullies. Finally, his frustration became so great that he decided to heed his mother's advice. As they drove to school one day, he said, "Mom, if those kids pick on me again today ... I'm ... I'm ... I'm going to beat them up -- slightly!"

How does a kid beat up someone slightly? I don't know, but it made perfect sense to this compliant lad.

Like you, some parents worry about an easygoing, passive child -- especially if he's a boy. Followers in this society are sometimes less respected than aggressive leaders and may be seen as wimpy or spineless. And yet, the beauty of the human personality is seen in its marvelous uniqueness and complexity. There is a place for the wonderful variety of temperaments that find expression in children. After all, if two people are identical in every regard, it's obvious that one of them is unnecessary.

My advice to you is to accept, appreciate and cultivate the personality with which your little child was born. He does not need to fit a preconceived mold. That youngster is, thankfully, one of a kind.


Send your questions to Dr. Dobson, c/o Focus on the Family, P.O. Box 444, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. These questions and answers are excerpted from books authored by Dr. James Dobson and published by Tyndale House Publishers. Dr. Dobson is the chairman of the board for Focus on the Family, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of the home. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

[b:1bdb7baaac]COPYRIGHT 2004 JAMES DOBSON INC.[/b:1bdb7baaac]

    天下文壇  天下文壇 畢泠  2004-11-30 22:04


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